Industry News

Utiliser le BIM pour une conception, une construction et une exploitation plus efficaces des bâtiments

There was a time when pencil, paper, and complex drawings would be the base of a construction planning. It would be a tiring process with lots of loopholes in it. But, things have changed. Now it is all about BIM.

BIM or Building Information Modeling has been part of the construction industry for some time now. BIM is an intelligent, model-based process for planning, designing, building and managing buildings and infrastructure.

But It is more than just a digital 2D or 3D model. It is the process of designing a building collaboratively using one coherent system of computer models rather than as separate sets of drawings. It connects all relevant AEC (architecture, engineering and construction) professionals in a very efficient way. If a model element is changed then BIM co-ordinates the changes in all views that display that element.

Watch this BIM introduction video to understand why AEC professionals are using BIM to more efficiently design, build and operate buildings and infrastructure.

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